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Portage and Overlays

Q: Why aren't you setting this Packages to RESTRICT=“fetch”?

A: At the moment i am building the iManager packages for this Overlay. The iManager system works with plugins. You will have to download them plugin for plugin. There are about 20 or more of them.

Q. I am getting errors downloading the files from What am I doing wrong?

 >>> Downloading '' Wrong Username. 
 !!! Couldn't download 'novell-client-1.2-SLE10.tar.gz'. Aborting.

A. Some Novell binaries require that you register at Novell

You should add the user/pass to your /etc/portage/novell.acc

  NOVELL_ACCOUNT_USERNAME="balduin" <<<--- add your username here 
  NOVELL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD="derfisch" <<<--- add your password here 

Or add your fetch manually

 http://user:[email protected]/prot/2JyMn7sWP_Q~77/novell-client-1.2-SLE10.tar.gz

where the url is taken from the error message above

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faq.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/29 09:57 by